Инструкция по запуску записей на компьютерах MAC

8 January 2013
8 January 2013, Комментариев: 0

Creating a WizIQ Folder as a Trusted Location

Before you can start saving recordings, you need to create a folder and list it as a “Trusted Location,” or else your recordings won’t play after you save them. Luckily, you only need to do this once; after it’s created, it will be available for you any time you need to save a recording.

First, create a new folder titled “WizIQ” wherever you want it saved on your Mac. This is where you will save all your WizIQ recordings from now on.

To list it as a Trusted Location, follow these steps:

Click the Apple logo at the top navigation bar and go to System Preferences.
Click the Flash Player icon in the “Other” category.
Go to the “Advanced” tab and scroll down until you get to the “Trusted Location Settings…” button. Click it.
There should be a + symbol in the bottom lefthand corner of the window that pops up. Click that.
Find the “WizIQ” folder that you just created, select it, and click “Open.”
It sounds more complicated than it is. Basically, it’s just a lot of clicking and it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. When you’re done, you can close all of your windows and you’ll never have to think about it again. Simple stuff!

по русски:

нажимаем на яблоко в левом углу экрана
открываем системные настройки
в нижней строке ищем флеш плеер – открываем его
нажимаем вкладку “дополнительно”
в самом низу находим кнопку “настройки доверенной папки
нажимем ее
нажимаем на + (плюсик) и добавляем папку, в которой лежит архив
теперь все работает !

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